Rest Web Services
- JAX-RS(Java API for RESTful Web Services) defined in JSR311. JAX-RS只是一套接口规范,位于
. 包含了很多Java annotation的定义 - JAX-RS 具体实现由第三方提供,比如Sun的Jersy. 实现包含*, 所以不用额外提供JAX-RS
Reportable or not.
- GET clearly is.
- DELETE is.
- PUT is. PUT /messages/42 update message 42
- POST is NOT.
Response Header: Content Type
- Directives
- dedia-type: the MIME type of the resource or the data
- charset
- boundary
HATEOAS(Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State)
- REST dont have service definitions/documentations
- All you need to nevigate a REST API are within the response itself