1086. High Five

2019/10/30 Leetcode

1086. High Five

Tags: ‘Array’, ‘Hash Table’, ‘Sort’

Given a list of scores of different students, return the average score of each student's top five scores in the order of each student's id.

Each entry items[i] has items[i][0] the student's id, and items[i][1] the student's score.  The average score is calculated using integer division.


Example 1:

Input: [[1,91],[1,92],[2,93],[2,97],[1,60],[2,77],[1,65],[1,87],[1,100],[2,100],[2,76]]
Output: [[1,87],[2,88]]
The average of the student with id = 1 is 87.
The average of the student with id = 2 is 88.6. But with integer division their average converts to 88.



  1. 1 <= items.length <= 1000
  2. items[i].length == 2
  3. The IDs of the students is between 1 to 1000
  4. The score of the students is between 1 to 100
  5. For each student, there are at least 5 scores


public int[][] highFive(int[][] items) {
    TreeMap<Integer, PriorityQueue<Integer>> map = new TreeMap<>();
    for (int[] item: items) {
        int id = item[0];
        int score = item[1];
        if (!map.containsKey(id)) {
            PriorityQueue<Integer> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(5);
            map.put(id, pq);
        } else {
            PriorityQueue pq = map.get(id);
            if (pq.size() > 5) pq.poll();
            map.put(id, pq);
    int index = 0;
    int[][] res = new int[map.size()][2];
    for(int id : map.keySet()){
        res[index][0] = id;

        PriorityQueue<Integer> pq = map.get(id);
        int sum = 0;
        int size = pq.size();

            sum+= pq.poll();

        res[index][1] = sum/size;

    return res;


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